Welcome to Recruiting!

This help site is the place for information to help you get the most out of your UKG Pro Recruiting solution, so you will find just the right candidates for your open jobs.

We are always looking for ways to help you be successful and improve your experience, so if you have suggestions or comments about how we can improve the information we're sharing with you, please use the Feedback button and let us know!


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Tips for Searching This Help Site

When you enter more than one word, the search bar treats it as an "or" search. Results include the top 20 topics that contain either of the words. Topics that contain both words appear earlier in the list of results.

To require one of the search terms, enter a plus sign (+) before it. To perform an "and" search, require all search items by entering a plus sign before each one (for example, "+publish +linkedin").

To search for pages that exclude a term, enter a minus sign (-) before it. For example, "tags -merge" finds topics containing "tags" but not containing "merge".

The search bar in this help site can now locate results anywhere in the topics, not just in the titles. But if you want to limit a search to titles only, you can add "title:" to the beginning of your search term (for example, "title:offer").

Syntax ExampleFinds Topics Containing
this thateither "this" or "that"
+this +thatboth "this" and "that"
this -that"this" and not "that"
title:this"this" in their title
th*any word starting with the letters "th"